Boîtes à outils numériques par cas d'utilisation
Écoute sociale : Explorer
Social Listening with Explore: Foundations
Course4.9 average rating (7 reviews)Social Listening enables companies to monitor their brand, conduct competitor analysis, and market research. This product certification will teach users the fundamentals of using Meltwater Explore, a social listening platform.
Social Listening with Explore: Advanced
Course5.0 average rating (2 reviews)Social Listening enables companies to monitor their brand, conduct competitor analysis, and market research. This product certification will teach users the advanced use cases of using Meltwater Explore a social listening platform.
Créer des recherches booléennes: Fondamentaux
CourseCe cours couvrira les fondamentaux de la création de recherches en utilisant la logique booléenne, afin de vous permettre d'augmenter la précision de vos recherches sur la Plateforme Meltwater.
Logique Booléenne: Cours Avancé
CourseCe cours abordera les opérateurs booléens avancés afin de vous aider à trouver les informations les plus pertinents via les sources ou le contenu.
Surveillance des médias : Explorer l'IM
Media Monitoring with Explore: Foundations
Course5.0 average rating (9 reviews)Media monitoring enables PR professionals to track earned mentions and measure their efforts. This product certification will teach users how to create searches, monitor content, and share reports with stakeholders.
Media Monitoring with Explore: Advanced
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)Media monitoring enables PR professionals to track earned mentions and measure their efforts. This course will teach users how to advance their monitoring to discover deeper insights about their earned media.
Créer des recherches booléennes: Fondamentaux
CourseCe cours couvrira les fondamentaux de la création de recherches en utilisant la logique booléenne, afin de vous permettre d'augmenter la précision de vos recherches sur la Plateforme Meltwater.
Logique Booléenne: Cours Avancé
CourseCe cours abordera les opérateurs booléens avancés afin de vous aider à trouver les informations les plus pertinents via les sources ou le contenu.
Crisis & Risk Management with Meltwater
CourseCrisis & risk management is critical part of media monitoring. Learn how to use the Meltwater platform as part of your strategy.
Creating Boolean for Crisis & Risk Management
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)This course will cover how to approach Boolean and search creation for Crisis & Risk Management, including downloadable resources to help you create searches.
Marketing d'influence : Klear
Influencer Marketing with Meltwater (Klear): Foundations
Course5.0 average rating (2 reviews)This product certification teaches users how to use Meltwater's influencer marketing platform, Klear. Learn how to discover, recruit, and vet new creators, and manage and measure your campaigns.
Influencer Marketing with Meltwater (Klear): Advanced
CourseThis course will teach you how to use the advanced features of Social Influencers (Klear). Learn about recruiting, managing contracts and payments, integrations, custom scoring, and workspaces.
Influencer Marketing (Klear): E-Commerce Management
CourseThis course will teach you how to manage E-Commerce functionality in Meltwaters Influencer Management platform Klear. Learn how to integrate E-Commerce solutions, create coupon codes, pay influencers, and measure sales data.
Gestion des médias sociaux : Engage
Social Media Management with Engage: Foundations
Course5.0 average rating (1 review)This certification course will teach the fundamentals of how to manage your brand's social media presence directly from the Meltwater Engage platform.
Social Media Management with Engage: Advanced
CourseThis advanced certification course will teach how to optimize campaigns and workflows, how to benchmark competitors, and how to combine earned and owned data within the Engage platform.
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