Course curriculum

    1. Course overview

    2. Using labels to organize your workspace

    3. Duplicating searches to simplify search creation

    4. Advancing your filter sets

    5. Test your knowledge

    1. Answering the 5 W's

    2. Diving deeper into X

    3. Test your knowledge

    1. Monitoring for authors and key publications

    2. Discovering influential sources

    3. Test your knowledge

    1. Benchmarking your brand

    2. Combining searches for a high-level view

    3. Test your knowledge

    1. Certification

    2. We'd love to hear your feedback!

How long is this course?

  • 45 mins


Whitney has over 7 years of Meltwater experience. Her experience includes account management, client support, community building, customer education and more. Whitney is passionate about helping customers learn the in's and out's of their Meltwater products to ensure they are used to their full potential in the global media intelligence and social media marketing space.

Whitney Williams

Manager of Customer Education

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